When you remember

When you remember

In this series of photographs, I try to outline the question of how memories of a particular person change and how the idea of them is affected by the layers or the flow of time. Why do certain thoughts and recollections prevail in our memory? I use archive photos from a mobile phone, which were taken at various stages of my life, and my own (recently taken). The photos are then projected into a photosensitive paper with a digital projector. I use the analog process of development and the black-and-white photograph in its material form quite intentionally, in connection with the still traditional storage and archiving of photographs. I see a certain parallel here to the storage of memories in human memory. Nevertheless, the digital principle (illumination by a data projector) is also an important part of the whole process and serves as a reference to current technologies. I also consider the physical input of me – the author – to be crucial in the described process.

20 × Digital photograpy on photosensitive paper, 2021