Lost in time, stuck in space

Lost in time, stuck in space

The project entitled Lost in time, stuck in space deals with the question of home – what is home and how does one perceive it? In his work, Petr Kubáč addresses how he perceives this moment and what this phenomenon says about himself. Is it a place, a space? Can it be a feeling? In general, he refers to long stays in other countries, which is associated with hardship and the re-finding of a comfortable feeling. For a person, the lack of a sense of home can be frustrating and they may experience feelings of hardship in trying to find a foothold again. Czech sociologist Ondřej Roubal writes that “the presence of a person and his or her dwelling in a space offers possibilities for self-realization, communication and, consequently, identification. Thus, the lived space remains one of the identifying features for our surroundings. We most often speak of home in the context of a space that is close to our hearts, that we care about and to which we always like to return”. Against this statement we can contrast an approach that emphasizes home as a fulfilling feeling only.

This theme began to gain importance for the author during his long stay in Portugal, where he became aware of the feeling of home in moments such as meeting friends in a pub, or spending time alone in nature, etc. These moments became satisfying, enjoyable, life-saving. The formula for the importance of the physical space of home suddenly shattered, and there was a realisation that there was no need for buildings or material things in general, that the consciousness of home was made up mainly of feelings.
In the installation, Petr works with the media of photography and video, which he uses to convey different narrative lines. For him, the metaphor of home is architecture, which he has met randomly during his travels and which is individually linked to important personal stories and memories. In his photographs, he often chooses a clear symmetrical composition that removes the object from its original environment.

Bc. Kristýna Mouchová

3D visualization: https://www.artsteps.com/view/635d1e72b0ae1d582faae55a?currentUser