I try to reflect on the environment of an artificially created Lake Milada through a series of timelapse videos. I perceive this place as a rather fickle area, still experiencing further changes. I try to capture and pass on the transience of time, as well as the space of this place, through poetry created by North Bohemian poets from the last century. The selected authors and their works dealing with the topic of the landscape of northern Bohemia are a record of perspective, in which the change of the environment due to time and human intervention is evident. By combining excerpts from individual literary works, a new unique poem is created, which resonates with the videos as a result of the current state of this environment.
Poem authors: Ilja Bart; Karl Friedrich; Martin Tomášek; Šárka Koukalová; František Škrutil; Emil Juliš; Věra Bartošová; Jiří Kment.
Visualization in 3d gallery: https://www.artsteps.com/embed/5fb2e1f2a7ce9b37a5b59d75/560/315
audiovisual installation – 4 x projection, sound