Image reflection

Image reflection

New technologies, the internet, social networks etc. Basically our perception of photography. Photos are ubiquitous. We are so overwhelmed by them that we become accostumed and immune to their effects. the visuals we create merge together.

The meanings of the photographs are variable and changeable, manipulated, or destroyed all by the influence of the media. I wanted to draw attention to the situation, so I decided to break the photos into reflections of lights.

installation, mirror foil, photos projection, 2019

United Islands of Prague 2019 (Invalidovna, Praha) (CZ

North-bohemian new wave (Nitrianska galéria – Galéria mladých, Nitra) (SK)

What are we supposed to do now? (participated in an accompanying program with the project Obraz Odrazu, Galerie Emila Filly, Ústí nad Labem) (CZ)

Winter harvest 2018 FUD Ujep (Ustí nad Labem) (CZ)